August 21, 2008

Feminists for McCain?!

"The Feminist Threat"


Grobstein said...

The Huffington Post (Hoopoe) is trash.

As you know, I don't buy that those 40% were bitter-enders (feminists?! There aren't that many feminists in the country).

Alan said...

I wouldn't know. Thing is, Rachel Barkow is a star prof and member of the elect (i.e., presumably smarter than your average Hooposter). So I'm not so quick to huff.

Anonymous said...

I’ve seen 23% quoted elsewhere rather than 40%. Either way, she doesn’t cite numbers showing what percentage of that 20-40% are women. She assumes that most are women and argues from there. People assume the “Hillary or McCain” contingent is mostly made up of angry and embittered women because that is a loud group. I suspect that many of them, however, are actually the racist vote that Hillary and Bill courted so aggressively and that constituted a large share of her support in states like Pennsylvania.

We don’t hear people on the news saying “I wasn’t going to vote for a black candidate in the primary and I won’t in the general election either,” because it would not be publicly acceptable. But think of a set of priorities that explain / motivate both Hillary over Obama and McCain over Obama. As Rachel Barkow points out, feminism doesn’t do that. Racism does.
